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BetaShares expands leadership team

By Killian Plastow
4 minute read

Australian exchange traded fund (ETF) manager BetaShares has announced the appointment of two new managers.

Chamath De Silva has been named BetaShares’ newest assistant portfolio manager. He joins the company from the Reserve Bank of Australia, where he worked for almost a decade.

Mr De Silva brings experience with the RBA both in Australia and in the UK office to his new role, and will draw on this to support the portfolio management function.

Adam O’Connor, previously with Bell Potter Securities, has been appointed the new manager of distribution.


BetaShares managing director Alex Vynokur welcomed the new additions, saying the appointments were made to keep pace with the sector’s growth.

“The ETF industry is growing rapidly. We are committed to driving this growth and being at the forefront of client service,”Mr Vynokur said.

The appointments follow last month’s launch of a model portfolio service for financial planners.


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