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Antipodes IPO approaches $330m

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Antipodes Global Investment Company is closing in on $330 million for its capital raising – the maximum amount disclosed in the prospectus.

The Antipodes Global Investment Company (ASX: APL), which is expected to commence trading on the ASX on 18 October 2016, is approaching $330 million for its initial public offering.

The board has announced it will not accept subscriptions beyond $330 million.

The global equities LIC, which is based on the Antipodes Global Fund strategy, will provide investors with a long-short global securities portfolio with a currency overlay.


APL board member Andrew Findlay said, "The offer has been very well supported and we are very pleased with strong demand for the investment strategy via the LIC.

"Whilst the Company has the ability to accept subscriptions in excess of $330 million, it has been decided that it would be in the interest of shareholders to close the offer at this point.

"Naturally, anyone that misses out will have the opportunity to participate in the aftermarket commencing on 18 October 2016."

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