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ETP market falls in January

4 minute read

The Australian exchange traded product industry saw a fall in funds under management through January, according to new data from the ASX.

The ASX’s  Funds (Listed Managed Investments, mFunds and ETPs) Monthly Update showed funds under management (FUM) fell from $25,628 million in December 2016 to $25,231 million in January 2017.

Global and Australian equities remain the two most popular assets, accounting for 39.6 per cent and 37.5 per cent of the FUM asset spread respectively, though this is down from 40.6 per cent and 39.1 per cent.

The issuer with the largest FUM at the end of January was iShares, with $7,552 million, down from the previous month’s $7,746 million, followed by Vanguard, whose FUM also fell in January from $6,631 million to $6,587 million.


State Street represented the largest percentage of value traded by issuer at 34 per cent, followed by BetaShares at 22 per cent, Vanguard at 18 per cent, and iShares at 16 per cent.

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