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Parametric boosts Australian team

4 minute read

Global investment manager Parametric has boosted its Australian team through one new appointment and the relocation of a senior staff member.

Chris Briant has been appointed as chief executive of Parametric’s Australasian business, while Jackie Viars has been relocated from Seattle to Sydney to work as the operations supervisor.

Mr Briant has said his new role will be focused on growing and expanding Parametric’s service offering to Australian institutions.

“We have already established a significant niche in Australia as the market looks for ways to improve investment performance after fees, costs and taxes,” Mr Briant said.


“We want to bring to this market our long-established systematic alpha capabilities, as well as a host of other capabilities such as tailored passive investments and hedging strategies that let funds control their risks quickly and inexpensively.”

Mr Briant has more than 20 years of experience in financial services and joins Parametric from Tibra Investment Management where he was CEO for more than two years.

He has also held positions at Russel Investments, BNP Paribas Securities Services, JP Morgan Investor Services and BT Funds Management.

In his new role, Mr Briant will be responsible for developing the potential of the company, particularly as the Australian superannuation industry adapts to meet MySuper, which requires fund trustees to have an investment objective to promote net returns after fee costs and taxes from 1 July 2013.

He will report directly to Brian Langstraat, Parametric’s Seattle-based chief executive officer.

Ms Viars has been brought to Sydney to facilitate the introduction of the company’s growing suite of services into the Australian market.

The company will further grow its Australian team by seeking to replace Scott Lawrence, who left Parametric after helping build the company from his base in Melbourne since 2011.