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Wilson HTM announces board shakeup

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Wilson HTM has announced a board shakeup as part of its “refresh program”, with one new director joining as another departs the group.

Alan Watson will become a director of the group on July 15, following the resignation of Warren McLeland who will cease being a board member on September 1 this year.

The changes come as part of Wilson’s “refresh program”, a formal review of its board members, which was outlined at the 2012 annual general meeting.

At the time, Wilson HTM said it was “working towards a refresh of board members in 2013 by identifying at least one new non-executive and one new executive director” to achieve a well-balanced board.


In a statement on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) website, Wilson said it was “delighted” to welcome Mr Watson to the role.

Mr Watson has more than 30 years’ experience in global investment banking, including a role at Macquarie Group as head of European securities, and at UK-based mid-cap stockbroker Bridgewell plc where he was deputy chief executive.

Mr Watson is currently a non-executive director of Aurora Oil and Gas, Airboss of America Corp and Elixir Petroleum Ltd.

Mr McLeland, who chairs the remuneration and nominations committee, has been a non-executive director since March 2007.

“Mr McLeland has contributed to the evolution of the group from its ASX listing in June 2007 to the success of its funds management business, Pinnacle Investment Management Limited, and its emerging companies focus through wealth and corporate advisory, research and institutional distribution,” Wilson HTM stated, noting that the board is grateful for his contribution.