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Harry Green

Frontier appoints new senior consultant - 2021

By Reporter
2 minute read

Frontier has announced the appointment of a new senior consultant with more than a decade of experience working with institutional and private investors.

Harry Green joins Frontier from Lane Clark & Peacock, the largest independent investment consultant in the UK and a member of the Global Investment Research Alliance (GIRA) founded by Frontier in 2013. Prior to LCP, Mr Green worked in the London offices of Willis Towers Watson and Fisher Investments. 

“Harry will bring both relevant client consulting and service experience, along with a fresh and global perspective to our team and to our clients. The connection with LCP is a significant benefit for both Harry and Frontier as there is a known cultural alignment that exists between our firms,” said Frontier director of consulting, Kim Bowater. 

“We have seen the value of that alignment and exchange of ideas and experience in practice with other staff who have worked across both firms in the past and currently.”

Mr Green has spent the last five years at LCP as lead investment consultant to a range of defined contribution clients advising trustees on strategic asset allocation, manager selection and governance matters. He was also a member of LCP’s wealth advisory team, developing and expanding the firm’s offering to sovereign wealth funds, private wealth firms and family offices.