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Kieran Purcell

Crestone expands into SA with new team

By Reporter
3 minute read

Crestone Wealth Management has underpinned its expansion into the South Australian market with the appointment of a new team of investment professionals. 

The new team includes five appointments, bringing the firm’s total adviser base to 91 and reflecting “a desire to deliver unparalleled insights and investment solutions to SA business owners, higher net worth individuals and their families”. 

“Our entrance into SA presents dual opportunity. Firstly, for HNW and UHNW individuals based in SA, Crestone can provide access to a broader set of global diversified investment opportunities than may currently be available to them,” said chief executive Michael Chisholm.

“Secondly, for local investment professionals or those looking to build a career in SA, Crestone’s unique employee-owned business model should prove attractive.”


The new team will be led by Kieran Purcell, who joins Crestone from Morgans Financial. Also joining are Sonya Brocklehurst, joining from NAB; James McBride, who joins from ANZ, where he was a private banker; Nicholas Hamersley, who joins from Westpac Private Bank SA; and Ida Wong Taylor, who joins from Westpac Premier. All will report directly to Mr Purcell. 

“Our South Australian presence is an exciting growth opportunity and so it was crucial to hire a team with a depth of local experience, aligned to Crestone’s strong client-centric culture,” Mr Chisholm said.

“We believe it is a testament to our business model that Crestone can attract advisers of this calibre. Ultimately, this expansion supports our vision to be the first-choice advisory firm for wealthy individuals across Australia.”