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State Street names global investment, sustainability and impact lead

By Jessica Penny
5 minute read

Ms Donohue succeeds Rick Lacaille, who announced his retirement earlier this year.

State Street has announced the appointment of executive vice-president Jessica Donohue to head of global investment insights, sustainability, and impact.

Ms Donohue has been with the firm for more than two decades, having held a variety of senior roles. Most recently, she was the global lead of State Street’s asset owner segment.

Before this, she had a two-year stint as chief innovation officer and head of advisory and information solutions for State Street Global Exchange, in addition to head of performance and analytics for investment services.


Ms Donohue also served as head of investor behaviour and research at State Street Associates before expanding her role to lead this group in 2010.

As head of global investment insights, sustainability, and impact, she will report to Lou Maiuri, president, chief operating officer, and head of investment services.

In a statement on Monday, State Street confirmed that Ms Donohue will be responsible for overseeing the firm’s sustainability efforts, with a focus on delivering insights to its clients and the industry.

Moreover, she will coordinate State Street’s investment services, and the broader organisation, to bring together investment insights and maintain client relationships.

Commenting on the promotion, Mr Maiuri said: “Being a strategic and trusted partner to our clients to meet their complex and changing needs requires us to continue to evolve our investment-related thought leadership and solutions.”

“Jessica’s background in research and investment-related insights, coupled with her deep understanding of clients’ unique challenges and the market overall is precisely what our clients need as we continue to deliver as their essential partner.”

Ms Donohue’s financial services experience is complemented by her background in academia where she held several teaching positions at Brandeis University and the University of Minnesota.

In other news for the firm, State Street recently announced the expansion of its asset servicing platform as the global ETF market approaches $15 trillion.

Namely, the capabilities of its Alpha platform have been bolstered to support the entire exchange traded funds’ (ETF) “life cycle” with the introduction of front, middle and back-office capabilities.

According to the firm, ETF issuers will be able to employ the platform’s portfolio management, trading, and compliance functions to “enable growth across a variety of ETF strategies and increase speed to market”.