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Legg Mason's real income fund returns 17% PA over 3 years

Promoted by  The Legg Mason Martin Currie Real Income Fund has been included on the approved lists of three aligned ANZ dealer groups and Asgard’s eWrap platform as adviser interest for income surges.

The Real Income Fund aims to provide an attractive income stream with natural inflation protection by investing in a blend of listed real assets (A-REITs, infrastructure and utilities).  The Fund currently has a 52% weight to AREITs, 38% weight to listed utilities and 10% invested in listed infrastructure. The Fund’s strategy was launched in 2011 and it has grown to $505 million, with increasing financial adviser demand.

As part of ANZ Wealth’s recent retirement approved product list review, the Fund was recently added to the approved lists of ANZ’s aligned dealer groups of RetireInvest, Millenium3 (M3) and Financial Services Partners (FSP).

Martin Currie Australia Portfolio Manager Ashton Reid said “with high levels of offshore government debt supressing interest rates and the prospects for global growth, the Fund offers investors a winning combination of a reliable income stream and inflation protection that’s low risk.”


Legg Mason Head of Sales Beau Titchkosky said “We are receiving strong demand from both portfolio constructors seeking an alternative to stand-alone AREITs, as well as advisers seeking an attractive income solution in a low interest rate environment.”

With less reliance on the economic cycle and its strong ties to Australia’s robust population growth, the Legg Mason Martin Currie Real Income Fund has returned 16.8% p.a.in the three years to January 2016 after fees.

The Fund’s low risk profile and drawdown was highlighted in the year to January 2016 when the S&P/ASX200 Index declined by 6.1%. In stark contrast the Real Income Fund was up 7.1% after fees.

Titchkosky said “Our adviser survey results indicate a strong appetite for attractive income options that are true to label, easy to explain to clients and have solid performance potential. We feel the Real Income Fund ticks all these adviser boxes”. 

The fund is also available on other BT platforms including BT Wrap, BT SuperWrap and BT Panorama.


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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