Australian Ethical announced in a statement yesterday that Alpha Fund Managers has invested in its flagship fund, the Australian Shares Fund.
According to the statement, the fund focuses on Australian companies that meet the Australian Ethical charter.
Australian Ethical managing director Phil Vernon said he viewed Alpha Fund Managers’ support as “further endorsement” of the shift of ethical investment from niche to mainstream.
“While other fund managers may be investing heavily in industries with an uncertain future, like coal, we’re making positive investments that benefit the planet, people and animals,” Mr Vernon said.
“We invest in sectors such as IT, healthcare and renewables. This, along with our bias to small cap stocks, means we have a different approach to many mainstream fund managers.”
Alpha Fund Managers portfolio manager Julien Brodie said that they believed their clients would benefit from Australian Ethical’s “strong track record” of outperformance and “lower than market risk”.
The fund manager awarded a similar investment mandate to Quay Global Investors on 8 August 2017.