The Premium Asia Income Fund has been added to multi-manager Alpha Fund Managers' roster of funds.
Premium China Funds Management executive director Jonathan Wu said the fund ignores the credit ratings "paid for by corporates to the largest western ratings agencies", putting it in "its own unique class".
"We are able to expand our breadth of research to uncover overlooked credit securities in the market paying superior yield with less risk than what the market perceives," Mr Wu said.
"It is fantastic to see forward thinking institutional multi-managers like Alpha Fund Managers appreciating the power of in-depth credit research in places like Asia."
Alpha Fund Managers portfolio manager Julien Brodie said, "The Premium Asia Income fund was selected to manage our emerging market debt sector exposure due to the strategies strong performance record, moderate volatility and highly experienced investment team.
"In addition, the fund's dynamic hedging capability can provide protection against adverse currency moves which we find attractive."