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Young Leaders in Finance Awards launched

3 minute read

Momentum Media, publisher of InvestorDaily, is launching the Young Leaders in Finance Awards to showcase emerging talent from across financial services.

With a total of 28 awards, the new program will recognise individual and group across categories,k including Financial Adviser of the Year, Investment Manager of the Year and Investment Business Development Leader of the Year.

“This is an unprecedented opportunity for our stakeholders across financial services to nominate the rising stars in their business or in their professional networks and foster the next generation of mentors and leaders,” said Jim Hall, director, events and professional development at Momentum Media.

“We invite you to nominate a talented young professional who are 30 years of age and under, that [sic] you believe has made their mark within financial services and is worthy of recognition.


“The Young Leaders in Finance Awards offers the springboard for career progression, giving industry-wide recognition for professional competency while highlighting passion and dedication for personal advancement.”

For information about each award category and the basic entry requirements, please click here.

To nominate a colleague or peer, please click here.

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