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Prime Super launches online claims process

2 minute read

Industry fund Prime Super has launched an online claims capability, in partnership with its insurer CommInsure.

As part of Prime Super's new insurance capability, members will be able to track their initial application online as it progresses to the final payout.

Prime Super chief executive Lachlan Baird said the fully online process would "reduce stress" for members who make insurance claims by reducing processing times.

"We are delighted to be able to offer this service for our members. If they are ever in the position of having to make an insurance claim[,] we understand that this can [add] stress to what is already a challenging time," Mr Baird said.


"Prime Super's member services team will also continue to monitor all claims and assist members when required," he said.

The super fund will retain the offline claims initiation and processing "where appropriate", Mr Baird said.

"Members are not disadvantaged by the traditional process but the great innovation of Prime Super's new product is the potential speed of processing and being able to track progress," he said.