The Dynamic Asset Allocation ETF model portfolios are reviewed quarterly, with asset allocation adjusted based on asset valuations, projected returns, and economic and financial market trends across global markets, BetaShares said in a statement.
BetaShares said it utilises an open architecture “best-of-breed” ETF selection process, which means the model portfolios are not constructed using only BetaShares funds, with other ETF managers’ offerings included in the models based upon investment merit.
BetaShares chief executive Alex Vynokur said he’s seen strong demand from advisers for model portfolios.
“Advisers have increasing compliance and administration loads to manage, as well as meeting the ever-changing needs of clients,” Mr Vynokur said.
“Implementing ETF model portfolios for some, or all, of their clients provides a cost-efficient, scalable solution with high portfolio construction integrity, while saving significant time on investment and manager selection, and portfolio management.
Netwealth joint managing director Matt Heine said the platform provider continues to expand its menu based on market demand, and focuses on ensuring its investors and members have access to a wide range of solutions that meet their unique investment needs and risk profiles.
“It is no secret that the ETF market continues to grow exponentially. The addition of the BetaShares Models, provided by one of Australia’s leading ETF manufacturers, further supports this objective,” Mr Heine said.