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Mayfair 101 launches fixed income product

By Adrian Flores
2 minute read

Mayfair 101 has launched its second fixed interest investment product in response to increasing demand for income-producing investments in the current low rate environment.

The M Core Fixed Income is a new secured, asset-backed investment product available to wholesale investors in the Australian market, Mayfair 101 said in a statement.

The launch follows the release of its non-bank alternative investment brand Mayfair Platinum earlier this year.

M Core Fixed Income is secured by a pool of assets with an independent trustee overseeing first-ranking, registered security interests and dollar-for-dollar backing from a collateral pool.

The collateral provided is unencumbered and includes Australian real estate, cash held in the issuer’s dedicated M Core Fixed Income account, and other Australian assets pledged by Mayfair 101 group entities.

Mayfair 101 founder and managing director James Mawhinney said the company has been listening closely to investors who are frustrated by the sustained fall in interest rates.

“M Core Fixed Income is a secured, asset-backed investment product that provides the benefit of the group’s extensive diversification strategy coupled with our Australian real estate portfolio including our recent strategic investment in Mission Beach and Dunk Island,” Mr Mawhinney said.

“M Core Fixed Income has been launched to provide a secure investment proposition for a growing customer base who [is] finding that earning a low rate of return on their idle money is not only undesirable, but increasingly unsustainable.

“We know that there is a growing appetite for non-bank alternatives, but what we keep hearing again and again is that alongside fantastic returns, customers want additional security features in their investment products.”

The official launch came as part of Mayfair Platinum’s involvement in the annual Switzer Income Conference which kicked off in Sydney today and will visit Melbourne and Brisbane next week.