InvestorDaily’s Investor Showcase gets up close and personal with the chief executives of Australia’s most innovative upcoming companies today. In episode one, archTIS CEO Daniel Lai discusses the outlook for the new Kojensi platform – developed within the Australian Department of Defence and certified by the US government for sharing classified information – and the strong tailwinds set to propel the cyber-security industry to new heights.
“The investment opportunity is really exciting…that’s come to bear because of the awareness of people and their understanding of the cyber threat, but also because of the amount of money that’s being invested into solving the problem,” said Mr Lai.
“The Australian government, through the prime minister, recently acknowledged that there’s been a 300 per cent increase in cyber attacks across all institutions in Australia – not just in the government, but in the private sector. Every day, you’re seeing a new report in the marketplace where either a cyber attack has destroyed a business or created reputational or financial harm.”
Join us in exploring the opportunities for this exciting new company as it looks to combat the rising threat posed by global cyber attacks.