Investors Mutual Limited (IML) founder, Anton Tagliaferro, confirmed his retirement on Wednesday. The IML founder is set to leave in March 2023, which coincides with the firm's 25th anniversary.
IML said that the announcement follows a “well-planned and executed succession plan by IML” — one that safeguards the firm's approach to investing.
Commenting on his decision, Mr Tagliaferro said: “I believe that now is the right time to hand over to the next generation at IML”.
“I know I leave our clients in safe hands with every confidence in the team's ability to generate healthy returns moving forward.”
Mr Tagliaferro arrived in Australia from Malta as a Chartered Accountant in the 1980s, and joined Prudential in 1986 before moving to Perpetual two years later.
He founded IML in 1998 with the purpose of creating a research-driven value fund manager, focused on building portfolios of Australian companies that represent both quality and value.
In 2017, Natixis IM acquired a majority stake in IML and in 2021, Damon Hambly was appointed IML's chief executive officer having previously been a director of the company since the deal with Natixis was inked.
“I would like to thank Anton for his significant contribution to IML,” Mr Hambly said.
“Under Anton's leadership, IML investors have benefited from the consistent and true-to-label ‘quality and value’ investment style that Anton has embedded into the business.
“While in some ways it is the end of an era, we are pleased that Anton is handing over to an experienced team of investors who have all been working with him at IML for well over a decade.”