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Martin Currie: Time to reset expectations for emerging market equities

Promoted by  Kim Catechis, head of global emerging markets at Martin Currie identifies 5 key themes driving emerging markets that can help advisers explain the asset class to clients.

It's time to reset expectations for emerging market equities. For more than a quarter of a century, investors have seen a transformational growth in the economies of emerging market countries. But times have been tough recently, with an increasingly stark divergence in returns with several developed economies, in particular the US.

As many emerging market economies ostensibly undergo wholesale industrial revolutions, they are now encountering the various problems associated with rapid growth and the move up the value chain beyond mere commodity manufacturing. At the same time, significant political, social (and in some cases, ideological) upheavals have all been adding to the complexity that emerging market companies currently operate in; this inevitably has a direct effect on the predictability of corporate earnings streams and investors’ abilities to identify sustainable business models.

In an asset class that inherently benefits from a broad fundamental analysis and a long-term view, there is perhaps now an even greater requirement to understand the positioning of individual businesses in the wider context of emerging market change and evolution.


There are five main factors that are currently providing the key backdrop for company performance and having a direct impact on investment outcomes in the emerging market universe:

1 Domestic politics

The standout positive result from last year was the election of Narendra Modi in India on a platform of reform and economic growth revival. The early signs are very positive and investor expectations are high.

The election of reform-minded candidate Joko Widodo in Indonesia was also particularly well received by the markets, on the expectation that planned reforms would boost that economy. However, since the election, investor confidence has been shaken. Widodo faces major political barriers in his attempts to push through his development programme and there is evidence of unexpected government interference in market pricing.

The presidential elections in Brazil were among the most important for the asset class. In spite of an apparent strong voter base, the incumbent Dilma Roussef won by only a narrow margin. Investors have low expectations here, but the outside prospect of greater fiscal discipline and growth-enhancing measures mean it could be the 'wild card' among the larger emerging markets.

2 Reforms

Reforms are absolutely essential for the vast majority of emerging markets - they are a prerequisite for far-reaching policies that will restructure and energise economies. China will continue to dominate many of the headlines in this respect, with investors focusing on the ongoing reform of state-owned enterprises, Chinese banks, currency management and the continued success of 'new economy' business models.

3 Geopolitical conflict

The gradual increase in national confidence gained by the new generation of leaders in the fast-growing economies of the asset class has inevitably resulted in national assertiveness, demonstrated in more robust trade diplomacy and defiance over long-standing and unresolved territorial disputes.

'Clean' resolutions for many of the conflicts we're facing today are unlikely, and as a result, higher cost of equity looks like it is here to stay.

4 Currency wars

Competitive devaluing of currencies is likely to remain a tempting tool for nationally assertive emerging market governments. For the majority of cases, this will imply higher currency volatility and more expensive hedging, which could make cross-border trade and M&A activity more expensive.

5 Domestic power struggles

Domestic power struggles are endemic in many emerging market countries, but have become more significant as burgeoning middle classes accelerate changes to established political and social structures. It is extremely difficult for businesses to remain truly 'neutral' in these battlegrounds and as a result, understanding complex 'country factors' have become increasingly important in investor decisions. At the company level it is therefore even more important now to consider the impact of these shifting social and governance factors.

Adapting insight

We are witnessing a secular shift in the emerging market economic power structures, with all the risk and opportunities that this entails, but the long-term prospects for the asset class are positive. Valuations for emerging markets have fallen to much more acceptable levels, compared with virtually any time since the global financial crisis, and the range across the asset class is diverse. It's a brave new world for emerging market equities, and one that requires an adapting investor insight.

For further information on emerging markets and to read Martin Currie’s new Active Insight publication, click here.

Martin Currie is an active equity specialist and part of Legg Mason.



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