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And a little bit better again

By Julia Newbould
2 minute read

The majority of financial advisers are predicting the Australian share market will perform somewhat better in the September quarter, according to Coredata's Adviser Sentiment research.

The majority of financial advisers are predicting the Australian share market will perform somewhat better in the September quarter, according to Coredata's Adviser Sentiment research.

While March quarter data, collected in mid-February, found almost 50 per cent of advisers polled thought the Australian share market would be somewhat better, data collected in May shows nearly 62 per cent of advisers believe the market would be somewhat better.

An additional 8.6 per cent believed it would be much better, compared to 7.1 per cent.

The outlook for international shares was less positive, with 43 per cent thinking things would be a little better, while not much less believed it would be more of the same. This too is a little more positive than the last quarter.

However, fewer advisers continue to believe sitting in cash is the right thing to do, with 20 per cent having decided cash is no longer the way to go.

The best news is that only 20 per cent believe the economy overall is likely to get worse.

Almost 25 per cent believed it last quarter; 40 per cent are sitting on the fence this time, and the other 40 believe it will only get better.

Even property trusts were finding more upside in adviser sentiment this quarter.

Maybe there is value to be had in the market and even if it's just perception it will still drive things upwards.