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ANZIIF forms advisory committee

By Julie May
2 minute read

ANZIIF has established a life insurance and superannuation industry advisory committee to stay abreast of industry trends and education needs.

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) has established the ANZIIF Life Insurance and Superannuation Industry Advisory Committee (ALISIAC).

The role of the committee will be to ensure quality and relevance are factored into the life insurance and super award programs, workshops, seminars and professional development within the industries, ANZIFF said.

The committee will meet regularly to review educational material against current industry needs and challenges, and will advise ANZIFF on emerging trends and upcoming projects.

"It is through committees such as this that the Institute identifies the needs of specific markets and ensures learning materials are constantly updated to reflect these changes," ANZIIF chief executive Joan Fitzpatrick said.


ALISIAC will comprise a range of industry heavyweights including CommInsure managing director Simon Swanson, Bupa Australia director of financial services John Huijsen, ING life risk business services head Shez Ford, TOWER Australia chief underwriter Petar Peric, MAP Fund state manager NSW Tony Sequeira, Asteron claims training and development's Margaret Dennis and AIG Life group insurance head Damien Green.

ANZIIF is the leading provider of education, training and professional development services to the insurance and financial services industry in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region.