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Axa adviser defects to local firm

By Madeleine Collins
2 minute read

A Tasmanian adviser has left Axa for a local firm.

Tasmanian financial adviser Ellen Burn has left Axa Australia and taken up with local firm Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees Limited (TPTL).

TPTL announced yesterday it bought Burnie-based Ellen Burn Financial Services for an undisclosed sum to expand its planning network.

"It was a strategic acquisition in terms of giving us a resource in the North West where we haven't had a permanent resource," TPTL managing director Mark Scanlon said.

Scanlon said he was unaware of the motivation behind Burns' departure from Axa, but said it was an opportunity for both groups to do something that made sense for everyone.


"I don't think it was borne out of dissatisfaction," he said.

Burn's business will move into TPTL's branch in Burnie. She has been an authorised representative of Axa since 2004 and before that she with CGU Insurance.

TPTL, which was established in 1887, has nine offices around Tasmania that provide estate planning, funds management, mortgage financing and other financial products. It has $1.3 billion in funds under management.

It also runs a banking service in conjunction with Bendigo Bank.