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Boost in demand for super advice

By Christine St Anne
2 minute read

South Australian-based Statewide has recorded a surge in interest by members for financial planning.

Statewide's financial planning business has registered a spike in the number of member bookings for its financial planning business.

The response was as a result of the fund's annual seminar which also attracted more than 900 people including non-members of the fund.

The seminar's topics ranged from how to boost retirement savings, to life insurance, to investment strategies in volatile markets.

Speakers included Statewide chief executive Frances Magill and financial journalist and television personality David Koch


"The turnout and the questions we received indicate that interest in superannuation has certainly increased," Statewide chief executive Frances Magill said.

"As a result, our financial planning team is receiving numerous requests for appointments to review members' individual circumstances and help them develop strategies to maximise their savings".

Since the seminar was held in May 30, the fund's team of four financial planners are fully booked until the end of July this year.

Statewide offers free advice for all aspects of financial planning to its members.