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Easy rider

By Julia Newbould
2 minute read

I had a brief encounter last weekend.

I had a brief encounter last weekend.

I'm not sure at this stage whether in time it will be relegated to fling status or whether it will be the beginning of something much more lasting.

I, along with 36 others, spent the weekend taking Corners 4 Kids to Byron Bay and back to Sydney.

I rode pillion with one of the core group's most experienced riders and I learned a lot about trust. I didn't take a total leap of faith in choosing my ride.

I listened to the opinions and recommendations of others, I watched him in action and I made a considered judgment.

It has its analogies to choosing a financial planner. You are not literally putting your life in his or her hands but you are putting in your livelihood. And how can you choose: again you want referrals, recommendations and you also want to see demonstrated proof of their skills.

Perhaps seminars, articles and books go some way in establishing these.

It's difficult to expect trust too quickly and even a small spill may shake the confidence of your clients, so it's important to keep communication lines open. Explain all your moves and stay close.

This week marks IFA's 400th issue. In putting together this week's special cover feature we enjoyed going back into the archives for you and seeing who was where, what was new then and working out what has changed.

We found the old industry issues are also current issues - it was Wallis not FSR yet, the FPA still had the same criticism, if not critics, and Count was making the headlines.

Nine years later we are still enjoying reporting on the industry for the industry and salute you on this our 400th issue.