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FPA loses policy head

By Madeleine Collins
4 minute read

The FPA's policy and government manager John Anning has resigned to take up a senior position with the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA).

The FPA's policy and government manager John Anning has resigned to take up a senior position with the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA).

Anning leaves after two and a half years with the FPA to take on the job of  general  manager  policy -  regulation  directorate at the ICA. His last day will be March 30.

His new role will find him reunited with his old boss former FPA chief executive Kerrie Kelly, who left the financial planning industry body to head the ICA last March.

Anning is the third executive to leave the association within the last four months. Former general manager of professional standards Adrian Lucchese resigned in September and communications manager Jason Spits resigned a week later .
Kelly's successor at the FPA, Jo-Anne Bloch, says she regrets having to announce her colleague's departure.


"I regret to advise that John Anning will be leaving the FPA," Bloch said.

"John has gone to great lengths to interact with members and policy makers, ensuring the policy dialogue is a two way street, with successfully negotiated outcomes.

"John has helped the FPA put a number of runs on the board, particularly with respect to FSR [financial services reform] refinements, superannuation policy and an appropriate regime for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism funding. He goes with our heartfelt thanks and very best wishes."

Bloch said the association has already started looking for a new policy manager.

The ICA could not be reached for comment.