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Hedge fund does away with fees

By Charlie Corbett
2 minute read

Investment and advisory firm Rubicon has launched a fund of hedge funds with no management fee.

Investment and advisory firm Rubicon has launched a fund of hedge funds with no management fee. The fund of funds, which is made up of two Australian unit trusts, will charge fees only on its performance.

Rubicon managing director Gordon Fell said the impact of high fee structures on fund of funds structures had justifiably been the subject of much criticism over the past few years.

"We have addressed that issue by eliminating the management fee and replacing it with a performance-based fee," Fell said.

"We will only be paid if investors are making money, totally aligning our returns with those of investors.


"This equates to an approximate saving in cost of 1.4 per cent a year compared with our peers." A minimum of $10,000 is required to invest in the Rubicon funds, which charge a performance fee of 10 per cent.