Pentacle Property Funds Management has lowered the minimum investment for two funds - Pentacle DPF and Pentacle DPF Enhanced - from $50,000 to $25,000.
The reduction was made to attract investors who have self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) to the standard Pentacle Diversified Property Fund as well as the enhanced version.
People were transferring more investments into SMSFs to take advantage of the Federal Government's new super rules where up to $1 million could be placed into super funds tax-free before June 30, Pentacle executive chairman Professor Bob Officer said.
The funds encompass the retail, office and industrial unlisted property sectors and the underlying managers, including Centro, Investa, Lend Lease, St Hilliers and Macquarie.
The enhanced fund is now available on the BT Wrap platform. It has received a 'quality' rating from Managed Investment Assessments.