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SMSF conference sells out

By Madeleine Collins
3 minute read

The world's biggest self-managed super fund (SMSF) conference has sold out within three weeks.

The world's biggest self-managed super fund (SMSF) conference has sold out within three weeks.

Around 700 people will descend on the Sydney Hilton for the Self-Managed Super Fund Professionals' Association of Australia's (SPAA) national convention from March 7-9.

Keynote speakers include the commissioner of taxation Michael D'Ascenzo, ASIC deputy chairman Jeremy Cooper, Assistant Treasurer Peter Dutton and former chief justice of the High Court Sir Anthony Mason.

The line up also includes Labor's superannuation spokesman Nick Sherry, who will divulge the ALP's super policy in the lead up to the federal election.  Deputy tax commissioner Raelene Vivian will discuss the Australian Taxation Office's rule changes for SMSFs and auditors in light of the government's July 1 super reforms.


A range of practitioners and commentators from the legal, media and financial services industries will participate in panel discussions and lead sessions on strategy and technical information.

IFA is the media partner for the conference, which is presented by research and information house Dealers' Group.

SPAA chief executive Andrea Slattery said there are now 457 SMSF specialists in the Australian financial services industry with 15 to 20 currently studying in the undergraduate program.

"Many people in the market are becoming specialists," Slattery said. "People are really keen on building their business and education and being recognised as experts in this area."