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Statewide beefs up senior investment team

By Pamela Koh
2 minute read

Statewide secures another former executive from government superannuation fund Super SA.

South Australia's largest private sector superannuation fund Statewide has appointed Nicolle Rantanen to the newly-created role of general manager of finance systems and operations.

Rantanen will be the latest addition to Statewide's senior executive team and the newest member of senior staff to have a position created for them after Con Michalakis was hired for the role of investment manager two years ago.

She will join Statewide chief executive John O'Flaherty, general manager of business development and client services Bill Watson and head of investments Con Michalakis on Statewide's senior executive team.

Prior to Statewide, Rantanen previously held the role of director strategy and member services at Super SA in the department of treasury and finance.


O'Flaherty also worked at Super SA as general manager before being appointed to head Statewide in September 2009. 
Rantanen will be responsible for the delivery of support and back office functions, including IT management and administration and finance.

Rantanen started her new role at Statewide this week.