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Statewide chief departs after 20 years

By Christine St Anne
2 minute read

Frances Magill announces her retirement after 19 years at the helm of the government fund.

Statewide chief executive Frances Magill has announced her retirement and will leave the fund in July.

Magill has worked at Statewide for 20 years. She was the first employee of Statewide when it was established in 1990.

During her tenure, Statewide has grown funds under management from $10 million to $2 billion and has over 160,000 members.

Magill was named one of Australia's premier business leaders by leadership publication Super Leaders of Australia. She has also been listed among South Australia's 50 most powerful people.

Under her leadership, the fund increased its focus on sustainable investing by hiring a sustainability manager and committing to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment.


"For Statewide, sustainability is not just about considering the environmental and social impacts of its decisions today, it's about thinking ahead," Magill said.

Statewide is currently searching for a new chief.