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Superannuation Complaints Tribunal chair appointed

By Julie May
4 minute read

Jocelyn Furlan has been appointed Superannuation Complaints Tribunal chair for a five year term.

The Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT) has appointed Jocelyn Furlan full time chair for a five year period, Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law Senator Nick Sherry announced on Friday.

Furlan has been the acting SCT chair since September 2007 and prior to that was appointed SCT deputy chair in March 2006.

"I am very pleased that Ms Furlan will continue in her work as Chair of the Tribunal during this significant time for Australia's superannuation industry," Sherry said.

"Ms Furlan will continue to ensure the Tribunal fulfils its mediation and settlement role in the important area of superannuation."


Furlan is a superannuation lawyer with more than 20 years industry experience and was previously the compliance manager of the Legal Industry Superannuation Scheme, known as LegalSuper.

Furlan was also the corporate executive manager for the Victorian Superannuation Board and its predecessor the State Superannuation Board, as well as company secretary of VicSuper and secretary to the Victorian Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Fund.

A spokesperson for the minister said the reason why Furlan acted in the role for a considerable time before being made permanent was because the Rudd Government adheres to a comprehensive merit-based appointments policy for senior positions, involving public advertising and selection processes.

Due to its importance, the chair of the SCT was subjected to this rigorous process, the spokesperson said.

The SCT, established by the Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993 (SCT Act), provides a fast, low-cost and informal alternative to the courts for the resolution of certain superannuation complaints.

The chair is the SCT's executive officer and is responsible for its overall operation and administration.