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Why quality investing needs a modern dimension - Column

By Catherine James
2 minute read

One in five Australian males shed their property investments in the same two year period that only one in 100 women sold out of theirs, according to research from Panorama Nielsen Media Research for Wizard Home Loans.

The findings of the research compelled Wizard to suggest women are the new driving force of the property market.

"There continues to be a misconception that property remains a male bastion. This is categorically incorrect," Wizard chairman Mark Bouris said.

"This research shows that women are prepared to ride out the cyclical market changes with a view to enhancing their wealth via property investment."


The male retreat from property compared to women between June 2004 and June 2006 has narrowed the gender gap in property investors. Forty-six per cent of property investors are now women, up from 41.7 per cent two years ago.

With single men dropping out of property at four times the rate of single women, Wizard is suggesting a new era in property investment and home ownership.

"If this trend continues men will find it more difficult than ever to re-enter the market and compete with the fairer sex," Bouris said.

The findings add to copious studies on female attitudes to money and investing, which usually conclude women are more conservative in their approach.