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Women at work

By Julia Newbould
4 minute read

Women in the industry work hard to be treated as equals professionally yet are not really included in the financial planning environment in that way.

Congratulations to the FPA for a successfully-attended and professionally targeted exhibition. Most stallholders were impressed by the traffic generated through the conference, except perhaps those located upstairs.

While the industry focused on changes in financial services reform, compliance and fee-for-service arguments, the move to  professionalism in my observations was very disappointing in one particular area.

It was strongly reinforced to me how women in the industry work hard to be treated as equals professionally yet are not really included in the financial planning environment in that way.

Walking through the exhibition hall with my deputy, Stephen Blaxhall, who has been in the industry many years less than I have, I found he was the focus of discussions when we approached groups of planners, business development managers and others.


While I have a vested interest in the way women are treated in the industry, it is mybelief the industry will not be treated as a profession until it falls into step with the way Australian society behaves.

It's not soft stuff that can be ignored.

It's a reality that the financial planning industry has to engage with the wider community, and while the behaviour is modified to reduce the number of bunny girls - and there was censure of the shorts-clad exhibitionists at one stand at the conference - the more serious aspect of sexism is the general acceptance of women into financial planning circles.

I don't like beer, cricket or rugby, but I do feel connected to financial planning and my publication works towards moving that industry into a more professional one.

Sexism is not universal. There are many of you who do treat women with respect and as professional equals, but there are not yet enough of you.

I look forward to meeting more.