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Combining business and pleasure

2 minute read

It's not always recommended to combine business and pleasure (google Qantas stewardess and Ralph Fiennes), but a new book combines cooking and financial planning to interesting effect.

It's not always recommended to combine business and pleasure (google Qantas stewardess and Ralph Fiennes), but a new book combines cooking and financial planning to interesting effect.

However, for those who just can't help it, US (well, where else?) author Jill Conner Browne has just done that. According to the publicist's blurb, "Browne's third tasty outing (following The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love in 1999 and God Save the Sweet Potato Queens in 2001) finds the Boss Queen taking on Betty Crocker (source of 'some of the insane ideas we have struggled with and against for the last 50 years') and channelling Suze Orman for financial advice ('There's a lot to be said for rich old guys with bad hearts and no relatives, but you can't always get what you want').

"Culinarily challenged readers will be happy to find this book's main course is still Browne's hilarious anecdotes and observations about enjoying life after 40. She caps each escapade with the perfect artery-clogging recipes (with names like Whatchamacallit Chicken, Gooiest Cake in the World, Bitch Bar Bacon Swimps and Pig Candy - bacon rolled in brown sugar)." Here at eyeFA we try to provide something for everyone.