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Shameless self-promotion #242

3 minute read

Every week at eyeFA we look for ways to make the mag more eyecatching and readable . somewhat like News Of the World. Unfortunately, for us, but probably fortunately for your businesses, this is a hard task.

Every week at eyeFA we look for ways to make the mag more eyecatching and readable . somewhat like News Of the World. Unfortunately, for us, but probably fortunately for your businesses, this is a hard task.

Last week, however, Brett Davies from Brett Davies Lawyers sent us material we jumped on like manna from heaven. Entitled "Anna Nicole didn't do her Will at Brett Davies Lawyers", it tells the story: "Once upon a time there was a very, very old billionaire named J Howard Marshall.

One day he met a beautiful topless model named Anna Nicole. J Howard Marshall fell in love with Anna Nicole because of her wonderful personality. Anna fell in love with J Howard Marshall because of his chiselled good looks. Because they loved each other so much, they got married. Sadly, J Howard Marshall died unexpectedly. The terrible tragedy in their family continued with Anna Nicole also dying, leaving an inheritance worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Sorry, but we don't think this story will have a happy ending. Why? Because Anna Nicole didn't do her will at Brett Davies Lawyers." According to the Brett Davies circular, Smith's will was outdated. It was poorly drafted and deficient in many areas. There was nothing regarding her new baby and her boyfriend was not mentioned despite the commitment ceremony she held late last year. And her will stated everything was left to her son, Daniel, whose death preceded her own.


Davies says regardless of the size of Smith's fortune, the confusion surrounding her estate could have been avoided by following a few simple estate planning guidelines.

This issue could also have been treated in a more sober manner, but how else would we have been enticed to write about it?