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A fund manager in the United States has the name Capitalistpig Asset Management.

A fund manager in the United States has the name Capitalistpig Asset Management. Run by Jonathan Hoenig, a former floor trader at the Chicago Board of Trade, Hoenig is a defender of capitalism and is a talking head on Fox News. He has also published Greed is Good: The Capitalist Pig Guide to Investing, his first book, which was published by HarperCollins. He is a frequent commentator in the financial press and has written for publications including The Wall Street Journal, Wired, Maxim and Smartmoney.com. He has also been featured in numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Institutional Investor and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Hoenig was recently named one of The Chicago Sun-Times' "Thirty Under Thirty" and Crain's "Forty Under Forty." He is a member of the Economic Club of Chicago. He operates a fee-for-service portfolio analysis at $199 an hour. The basic premise is that past price history can be used to predict future price movement. The capitalistpig.com website says, "no system is perfect, but technical analysis can often give one a good idea of the various trends unfolding within a particular market. It also provides a framework and general plan for structuring a portfolio toward higher returns and lower risk. Suitable for investors with over $30,000 in investable assets."