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Dow Jones reviews global index

4 minute read

Leading global index provider makes changes to the Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index and the Dow Jones Global Exchanges Index.

Leading global index provider, Dow Jones Indexes, has announced component changes in the Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index and the Dow Jones Global Exchanges Index.

Bourse De Montreal Inco. (Canada, MXX.T) will be added to the Dow Jones Global Exchanges Index, which brings the total number of components to 23.

The changes are results of the regular quarterly review of the Dow Jones Global Exchanges Index and will be effective before the open of trading on Monday, June 18, 2007.

The Dow Jones BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) 50 Index is an investable, blue-chip index that measures the performance of the 50 largest and most liquid companies in Brazil, Russia, India and China.


The number of components in the Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index is fixed at 15 each for Brazil, India and China and five components for Russia to reflect the size of each market in the index.

The Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index is weighted by free-float market capitalization and is calculated in USD and Euro.

Arcelor Brasil S/A Ord. (Brazil, BOVESPA: ARCE3) will be deleted from the Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index and replaced by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce Ord (Brazil, BOVERSPA: VALE3).

Arcelor Brasil S/A Ord. is being removed due to its acquisition by Arcelor Mittal (France). The changes in the Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index will be effective before the open of trading on Monday, June 11, 2007.

The Dow Jones Global Exchanges Index measures the performance of all publicly traded stock exchanges and trading floors.

The index is reviewed on a quarterly basis and is calculated in both price and total return.