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Select scores double

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Select has been given a boost with two of its diversified portfolios receiving a four star rating.

Alternative investment manager Select Asset Management (Select) has been given a boost with two of its diversified portfolios receiving a four star rating.

The Select Growth Portfolio and the Select Defensive Portfolio both received four stars from Standard & Poor's (S&P).

"The diversified portfolios from Select have a configuration quite distinct from competitors. Fund returns may be more consistent over time and less sensitive to equity market returns, as there is greater scope to shift to other investments when equities fall," S&P fund analyst Tara Bell said.

Commenting on the rating, Select's chief investment officer Dominic McCormick said the Diversified Portfolios were the first funds Select made available in December 2002 and are now over $400 million1 in total size.


"The consistent returns and low correlation to equity markets deriving from the greater use of alternative assets and strategies, as well as a flexible and innovative approach to mainstream assets including the use of listed as well as unlisted funds, make them a unique offering in the multi-manager space," McCormick said.

The growth portfolio and the defensive portfolio are both available direct to investors and Select recently reduced minimum investment amounts from $50,000 to $25,000.

They are also available on a number of platforms and wraps, including Macquarie Wrap, BT Wrap and Masterkey Custom.