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Mercer expands RI team

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Mercer Investment Consulting plans to expand its responsible investment reach in the Asia-Pacific region.

Mercer Investment Consulting (MIC) plans to expand its responsible investment reach in the Asia-Pacific region with the hire of former UniSuper executive Helga Birgden.

Birgden will head up MIC's responsible investment (RI) business unit across the Asia-Pacific.

She will be responsible with providing Asia-Pacific investors with advice on preparing RI policies and integrating them into their investment programs.

Birgden will also undertake research into regional RI investment management products, specifically to consider the extent to which mainstream Asia-Pacific based fund managers' vote, engage and assess environmental, social and corporate governance issues.


She will also contribute to global RI projects.
"We are pleased to be building the strength of our RI capability with this new appointment," MIC business leader Asia-Pacific Tony Cole said. 

"With a special emphasis on Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China and Korea, Helga will work closely with Mercer's global RI team, local field consultants and researchers to help our clients integrate environmental, social, and corporate governance considerations into the investment management processes." 

Birgden's hire brings the group of dedicated professionals globally to 10.

Prior to joining MIC, she worked as UniSuper manager of governance and sustainable investment. 
Birgden's will be based in MIC's Melbourne office and will begin her role in September.