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Tynan MacKenzie boss departs

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Tynan MacKenzie is on the lookout for a new chief executive.

Tynan MacKenzie's chief executive Mark Meehan will depart the group next month.

Meehan leaves the Axa-owned dealer group to take up an internal posting with Bharti Axa Life in India.

Meehan will hold the position as Bharti Axa Life chief operating officer, an Axa spokesperson told InvestorDaily.

Meehan's resignation was announced to Tynan MacKenzie staff in July and to the wider Axa group on Tuesday.


It is not clear who will replace Meehan though rumours suggest Axa national manager financial planning Paul Robertson may be the front runner for the position.

"Obviously we haven't announced a replacement yet but since Mark is leaving in September a replacement will be announced in due course," the spokesperson said.

Meehan joined Tynan MacKenzie in January 2006. In September 2006 AXA completed its acquisition of Tynan MacKenzie and Meehan was appointed chief executive and director.