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Adviser job ads demanding experience

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Financial planning job advertisements are now placing a greater emphasis on experience.

Holding the PS146 qualification alone is insufficient to secure a position within the financial planning industry, the latest eJobs financial planning employment statistics show.

In addition to their qualifications, employers are now looking for candidates equipped with specific work experience, such as client rapport, sales ability, administration skills and technical understanding.

PS146 equipped candidates have also found it difficult to gain employment in the industry due to the popularity of courses leading to an increase in candidate numbers.

A general tendency for paraplanning positions and apprenticeship schemes to be outsourced or scrapped altogether as a result of tougher economic conditions has also been a factor.


Advertisements for entry-level financial planner positions were fewest in number, with only 8 per cent of roles specifically for junior candidates, according to the eJobs figures for New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

Paraplanning jobs revealed a similar story, with very few advertised positions paying below $50,000.