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New chairman for CFA Institute

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Australian-based CFA Institute Board of Governors chair Emilio Gonzalez has completed his term in the role.

At the end of his one year tenure as chair of the Board of Governors of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute, Perpetual Investments chief investment officer Emilio Gonzalez has been replaced by Brian Singer.

Now an independent investor, the newly-appointed chair was previously head of global investment solutions and Americas chief investment officer with UBS Global Asset Management.

"I would like to thank the membership for entrusting me with the opportunity to steward the CFA Institute Board of Governors through the coming year," Singer said.

"Mindful of Gandhi's counsel that we must become the change we want to see, the board sees an increasingly global membership for which it is aptly assembled, to enhance the value of CFA Institute," he said.

Gonzalez was the first chair appointed from Australia and the CFA Society of Sydney recognises the significance of his time in the steward's role.

"His appointment was good from our point of view and it certainly showed that we were not considered a backwater," CFA Society of Sydney executive director John Althorp said.

"It meant there was a meeting of the Board of Governors here in Sydney. Also, we hold a ceremony every year to hand out the charters to people who have completed the exam, and last year we were honoured to have Emilio... present those charters," he said.

The role of vice chair of the board has gone to Wells Capital Management managing director Thomas Welch.