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FPA seeks injunction over ads

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The FPA has applied to the Federal Court to secure an injunction against Bannister Mansfield.

The FPA has sought an injunction against Bannister Mansfield Financial Services and its director Gavin Murphy over advertisements the group ran publicly attacking the association.

Earlier last week, the FPA contacted Murphy through its solicitor asking for the advertisements to cease, after it initially appeared in last weekend's Sunday Telegraph.

When the advertisement re-appeared in The Daily Telegraph late last week, the FPA and its chief executive Jo-Anne Bloch applied to the Federal Court in Sydney for an injunction, a statement from the FPA said.

"Both Mr Murphy and Bannister Mansfield Financial Services consented to orders made by Justice Annabelle Bennett today (Friday) that they be restrained from publishing the advertisements," the statement said.


The matter was adjourned until Monday February 23.