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New site to improve trustee education

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With trustee education under the government spotlight, SMSF Strategies has launched an education website.

Self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) trust deed specialist SMSF Strategies today launched a new website designed to provide an educational medium for trustees and better access to its services.

"We see trustee education as an area that the government is looking at so we're going to be putting on the site a lot more video content and news content for that purpose," SMSF Strategies principal Grant Abbott said.

"If you have a look at the trustee declaration it is quite onerous for the trustees. They also need to have ongoing educational awareness around all of the relevant sections.

"My feeling is at some point in time there's probably going to be some formal or at least some voluntary requirements for trustees to complete some form of education and we're just making sure we're ahead of the curve."

Potential clients will also be able to apply for the SMSF Strategy trust deed service online and will be able to receive the deed the same way.

The website will also provide the capability for people to find a specialist SMSF adviser who has already undertaken the SMSF Strategies training.

In addition, Abbott has designed the website to be a technical reference source for SMSF professionals.

"We've got all of our business program people's tools and there are technical queries, reports and papers that I've done over the last three years. They'll all be sitting on the site and will be able to be accessed by our members," he said.