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Stuck in the moment

2 minute read

It would seem the longer rock stars continue to appear in the limelight the more good they would like to try to do for the world.

And mega group U2 is no different than any other.

It is always feared that when people achieve fame they will forget the little people and their grassroots. But not front man Bono.

Recently he took on the responsibility, in partnership with a team of property developers, to redevelop Dublin's rundown docklands area.

Envisaged was a tower that would be the tallest building in Ireland and would house not only luxury apartments but also a studio for Bono and the boys.


And what was it to be called? U2 Tower of course.

But alas the tower project is no more, a victim of, you guessed it, the global financial crisis.

And the U2 Tower is not alone in being a property project on the scrap heap. This seems to be a common tale since Ireland looked to its property market to fuel economic growth, which has now collapsed in a spectacular heap.

The situation has led some cruel individuals to come up with the following joke. What's the difference between Ireland and Iceland (whose economy has already collapsed)? One letter and six months.