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It's not easy being green

2 minute read

Job hunters are picky these days. Yes, even in these woeful economic times.

A national survey of more than 1200 professionals released this month found 74.4 per cent claimed a company's green policies affected their decision to accept or reject a job offer.

Fifty-eight per cent of respondents said their present companies were not doing enough or they were unaware of any stance at all from management.

But, of course, not everyone cares equally when it comes to standing by mother Earth and making a point.

Not surprisingly, with the rape and pillage raging on in financial markets, people in the banking sector cared the least if their potential employers were environmentally aware.


They came in almost last, with only 18 per cent saying they would reconsider their options because of a company's green policies.

One feels the only green policies they are concerned about have to do with greenbacks.