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New AMP RI fund launched

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A fixed interest fund has been added to the AMP Responsible Investment Leaders range.

AMP Capital Investors has added a fixed interest offering to its Responsible Investment Leaders range of funds.

The Responsible Investment Leaders Diversified Fixed Income Fund has been introduced to the market to allow institutional investors access to a portfolio with allocations to a range of government and credit fixed interest securities, government bonds, and global credit securities. In addition an environmental, social and governance (ESG) filter will be applied as the portfolio is constructed.

"The fund is a new addition to our successful Responsible Investment Leaders range, which looks at environmental, social and ethical considerations, as well as labour standards and corporate governance when selecting investments," AMP Capital investment Angus Dennis said.

"This is an exciting opportunity as traditionally there have been few options available to institutional investors wanting a fixed interest portfolio which addresses ESG factors. From an investment viewpoint, the strategy delivers enhanced analysis of fixed interest securities by considering ESG risk factors that traditional bond assessment may overlook," he said.

Christian Super has provided seed capital for the new fund.

This decision was based on the super fund's long-term commitment to social and responsible investing, according to Christian Super chief executive Peter Murphy.

"We are delighted with the launch of this new fund by AMP Capital Investors. It means we can invest our clients' superannuation contributions in a fund that not only offers good returns but is also socially responsible," he said.

Last year, Christian Super was named Sustainable Super Fund of the year.