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Takeovers Panel reshuffle

By Victoria Papandrea
3 minute read

Superannuation Minister Nick Sherry announces five new appointments to the Takeovers Panel.

Five new members have joined the Takeovers Panel and a further 14 members have been reappointed, Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law Senator Nick Sherry announced.

The panel is a principal forum for company takeover disputes in Australia. It aims to be more efficient but less formal than the courts and plays a special role in raising the standard of disclosure and treatment of shareholders.

The new appointments and reappointments will ensure the Panel has the necessary expertise to deliver speedy and effective resolution of takeover disputes, according to Sherry.

"The panel is based on peer review, so it's vital that members have knowledge and experience in business, financial markets, law, economics or accounting,'' he said.


"It is also important that members have experience in mergers and acquisitions practice and a special ability to bring a more commercially oriented approach to the table.''

Sherry announced the following five new members have been appointed to the panel: Deutsche Bank AG managing director - head of mergers & acquisitions Mike Roche, Balanced Equity Management managing director Andrew Sisson, Chang, Pistilli and Simmons partner Diana Chang.

Paula Dwyer, a director at Tabcorp Holdings, Suncorp Metway, Babcock and Brown Japan Property Management and Alpha Investment Management and Skilled Group non executive director and chair, audit and risk committee Vickki McFadden have also been named on the panel.

The panel now consists of 52 members who are appointed on a part-time basis.