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Russell goes live with IRESS data

By Victoria Papandrea
2 minute read

Russell Investments joins the growing list of fund managers in Australia providing full client data feeds with IRESS.

Russell Investments has gone live with IRESS data feeds to help improve the communication of client information to advisers.

Financial advisers now have access to client data on their own desktop, via IRESS software Xplan and VisiPlan.

As a result, advisers can see client details such as transactions, unit holdings and prices, portfolio updates and timely taxation reports.
The new process will improve communication of client data to advisers and increase business reporting information, according to Russell Investments Queensland state manager Andrew Jago.

"We expect this new process to make life much easier for advisers who deal with Russell directly, rather than via platforms," he said.


"Advisers will now have an array of information available to them on a client-by-client basis and can more readily consolidate client information".

Russell's decision to provide full data feeds to IRESS will help bridge the administration gap between investors and their advisers, Jago said.

"Investors rely on our global investment capability to help improve their long-term financial security," he said.