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CAMAC expands legal arm

By Victoria Papandrea
3 minute read

Senator Sherry appoints senior lawyers to the legal subcommittee of the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC).

The Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee's (CAMAC) Legal Subcommittee has hired and reappointed senior corporate lawyers to the division.

Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law Senator Nick Sherry announced the appointment of Rachel Webber and the reappointment of Damian Egan to CAMAC's Legal Subcommittee, each for a three-year period.

Webber previously served a 12-month secondment with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Her primary areas of expertise include corporate and commercial law, with an emphasis on Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and Corporations Act compliance, financial services regulation and managed investments.


Egan has served on the legal subcommittee of CAMAC since 1997. He has been a partner of the law firm Murdoch Clarke in Hobart for more than 20 years and has considerable experience in commercial and corporate law.

"These appointments will maintain the high level of skills and experience available to the Legal Subcommittee, ensuring that it will have a membership with the appropriate qualifications to deal with a wide variety of issues," Minister Sherry said.

The Legal Subcommittee provides advice to Government on all matters coming before CAMAC. 

It is made up of nine members, all of whom are appointed on a part-time basis.