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Super: Tough choices ahead for govt - Column

By Victoria Young
2 minute read

FPA chief executive officer Jo-Anne Bloch has embraced the 21st century by creating a blog on the FPA website.

The aim of the online journal is to communicate regularly with members and encourage the exchange of views and ideas.
It will cover government legislation and regulation, the value of advice, FPA activities and events, and industry challenges and concerns, an FPA spokesman said.
Already members have said the blog is "a great innovation" and another posted a comment that read, "as planners get familiar with this 21st century media, you will see some lively debate there".
Bloch's Blog went live with two messages from the chief on promoting the certified financial planner (CFP) brand and the FPA National Conference.
Four members have posted comments on the CFP designation, backing the promotional campaign that will be announced in November and expressing their views on other aspects of the certification.
Improving communication between the FPA and its members was one of the areas Bloch vowed to tackle following feedback from a recent member survey.
In total, 89 per cent of respondents said FPA communications with members were fair, although members rated it poor at representing their views, at -4 per cent, as the negative responses outweighed the positive.
"We believe that over time the blog will be a valuable additional channel of communication with members," the spokesman said.